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Personal Dictionary – Printable Personal Spelling Dictionary for 3rd-5th

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For Upper Elementary Writers

This personal dictionary is a must-have for your writing class! The word lists inside include over 1,000 of the most commonly used words in the English language, helping your students build their sight word vocabulary and dictionary skills as they self-edit independently!


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This personal dictionary is created from only 9 creatively photocopied pages!


This printable Personal Dictionary is perfect for:

✔ 3rd through 5th-grade students

✔ writing teachers

✔ Teachers helping students with their sight word list development

✔ Students developing independence in their writing

✔ Anyone needing a sight word dictionary that doesn’t take up a lot of space

✔ Anyone looking to save paper


Included in this Personal Dictionary are:

• Alphabetized dictionary word lists with over 1000 of the most commonly used words and sight words in the English language

• A writing idea “graffiti” page

• All common contractions

• Numbers, days & months with abbreviations

• Plural rules for most nouns

• Writing process chart

• Two “Affix Bank” pages for students to enter new affixes and their meanings

• pages with Canadian/UK spelling


⭐ Looking for this resource for 1st through 3rd grades? Grab that here.


❤️ Read about the benefits of using this resource here!


⭐ Take a look at the preview for all the details on this personal dictionary!



What teachers are saying about these personal dictionaries on TPT:


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I absolutely love this dictionary! It is so easy to print, assemble and use. Each student has their own in their desk which makes it very easy for them to find words they need to spell. Would recommend! 10/10.


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ This dictionary has proven to be so helpful to my students!!!!! It has let them become more independent during writing, or they come to me so I can write a new word in their book.


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ This has been the best resource for my third graders! I love that it has contractions, plurals, and numbers in it too. My students are constantly pulling this out to use.


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