Looking for a creative book report idea for your middle school or elementary classroom? Take a look at this fun and tasty reading project!

Several years ago, I spotted a great product on Pinterest that I absolutely HAD to have! Created by The Peanut Gallery, the Book Buffet looked to be a super-fun way of presenting a book report.

I assigned the project after Christmas. We spent time as a class checking out the instruction package and looking at the sample ideas that were included. We planned our “feast” for just before the March Break, and let me tell you I was BLOWN-AWAY by what my students created! The project was an absolute HIT with my class!
We set up the projects at individual desks, I put on some restaurant music to set the mood, told my kiddos to grab a writing “utensil”, and they spent nearly an hour and a half (I kid you not!) “tasting” each project. The best part – I was able to circulate at the same time and I got every project marked!!
Take a look at what they created. There was pizza…

And MORE pizza!

And burgers…

The breakfast foods HAD to include Timmies… we ARE Canadian, after all!

For the book Esio Trot by Roald Dahl, the student created spaghetti and meatballs and served them in a tortoiseshell!


And finally, for dessert…

Boy… I am STUFFED! 😉
I’ve got some great fiction graphic organizers to get your students started with this in my TPT store.